Instructional Technology Fellow (ITF)


My name is Karen Gregory and I am a PhD candidate in the department of Sociology at the Graduate Center of the City of New York (CUNY). I will be working with your Seminar Three class this semester and can help you think through each of your projects for the course. This means I can help you figure out how to use WordPress most effectively and how to incorporate multimedia into your posts, how to think about designing class presentations, how to make videos, create photo essays, charts and maps, visualizations, or experiment with any number of applications that you might want to try out. Just let me know what you’re curious about and we can schedule an appointment or find a time for me to come into class.

If you need to get in touch with me the best way is email:

You might also find me working the Twitter machine for Macaulay ITFs at @MacaulayITF

I look forward to meeting you all and working with you this semester.

This is me looking cool and trying to show you that photos can easily be added into any WP post đŸ™‚

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