Spring 2013 Session 1

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The Spring 2013 Tech Fair will be held during March.  All current freshmen are required to attend one session (each session is two hours in length).  Please register below – the slots fill up quickly!

Saturday, March 9nd, 10am-12pm
Saturday, March 9nd, 1pm-3pm
Saturday, March 10th, 10am-12pm
Saturday, March 10th, 1pm-3pm

I'm sorry, registration is closed.

I'm sorry, registration is closed.

I'm sorry, registration is closed.

I'm sorry, registration is closed.



So, what is this Tech Fair thing?

Are you looking for information about the Tech Fair?  You have come to the right place.  Check out our FAQs and register here.  Before you register, read the FAQs and don’t forget to check your calendar for classes, holidays, or any other scheduling conflicts you might have.

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Remember to check your schedule before you register!

What is the Tech Fair?

There are two Tech Fairs for freshmen students at Macaulay Honors College: one in the fall, and one in the spring.  We offer several sessions; you choose one time slot that fits your schedule best. These events focus on hands-on learning about your Mac laptops and what you can accomplish with them.  Workshops are led by Macaulay ITFs, and give students from all seven Macaulay campuses a chance to get to know one another.

Who should attend the Tech Fair?

All first-year students.  Right now, that means members of the class of 2016.

When is the Tech Fair?

We offer several sessions each fall and spring.  Freshmen should attend one session each semester.  Register for a session that allows you to arrive on time and stay for the duration, approximately 2 hours.  This spring, sessions will be held on March 2, 3, 9 and 10.  Registration for each session is first come, first served, and closes when it has reached capacity, or on Thursday evening before the session, whichever comes first. Attendance at one full session each semester is mandatory for all first-years.

Where is the Tech Fair held?

The Tech Fair is held at the Macaulay central campus, located at 35 West 67th Street in Manhattan.  The closest train is the 1 at 66th St/Lincoln Center, but we are also a short walk from the B/C at 72nd Street, and not far from the A/B/C/D at 59th St/Columbus Circle.  If you are coming on a weekend, be sure to check www.mta.info for service advisories.

What should I bring with me?

Bring your laptop.  Please make sure it is fully charged.  You should also bring your student ID.  We don’t provide food at the Tech Fair, so bring your own snacks if you will need them.

Do I have to come to the Tech Fair?

Yes.  Both the fall and spring Tech Fairs are mandatory common events for first year students.  You are expected to arrive promptly and remain for the entire event.

What if I can’t come?

Contact Dr. Joseph Ugoretz, Associate Dean, Teaching, Learning and Technology, at joseph.ugoretz@mhc.cuny.edu

Do I have to sign up for a Tech Fair session being led by an ITF from my home campus?

No.  You should sign up for the session that is most convenient to you.  Participating in the Tech Fair gives you a chance to work with students and ITFs from across Macaulay.

What if I need to change my Tech Fair registration?

Please check your schedule before you register, keeping in mind any important dates and/or religious observances. If you must change your registration, e-mail t John Sorrentino at john.sorrentino@macaulay.cuny.edu.  Be sure to include:

  • your first and last name
  • date of the session for which you are already signed up, and
  • date and time of the session you would prefer.

Please check to make sure there are spaces in your preferred session before requesting the change.  Any changes in registration must be made at least 48 hours before the session you want to attend starts. Please be aware that we cannot honor changes if you want to join a session that is at capacity.

I didn’t receive a confirmation email.  How do I check on my registration?

You should get a confirmation message after your registration has been recorded. Check your junk mail folder–it might have ended up there. It’s also possible that there was a typo in your entry, preventing the email from reaching you. If you want to double check your registration status, email John Sorrentino, Multimedia Instructional Technology Associate, at john.sorrentino@macaulay.cuny.edu.  Be sure to include your first and last name, date, and time of the session for which you completed a registration.

I’m not sure which session I want to attend.  Can I sign up for a few and then pick one later?

No.  Because space is limited, we need each student to sign up for one session only.  Sign up for one session that fits your schedule best.  If you really need to change your registration, follow the procedures listed above.

Do you provide refreshments?

Sorry, but we are unable to serve food at the Tech Fair.  Please bring your own snacks and drinks if you will want them. There are lots of great places near MHC to get food before or after your session.

When are you going to email me back about my time change?

We’ll get back to you as quickly as we can, but please allow two business days for us to process registration changes.

I have another question.

Contact John Sorrentino, Multimedia Instructional Technology Associate, at john.sorrentino@macaulay.cuny.edu

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