apple_mighty_mouseDo you use a Mac “mighty mouse”? Maybe you plug one in to your MacBook, or you have a Mac desktop in addition to the MacBook? Almost everyone who has used one of these stylish white mice has encountered, after a while, the problem of the little scroll ball refusing to do its job. You roll and roll the little ball, and no scrolling happens. Just today I was told “I need a new mouse!” because of this problem. But it doesn’t take a new mouse to fix this–the remedy is quick and easy (and inexpensive). Just take an alcohol pad (available at any drugstore, or if you’re here in the Macaulay building, just ask me!) and rub it on the scroll ball. Up and down, back and forth, all around–and turn the mouse upside down and tap it on the desk a few times, too. Then some more rolling with the pad. You will be scrolling freely again before you know it.

FAM_ALCOHOL_PREP_PADS_LARGE_-1305What happens is that over time, there’s a buildup between the ball and the rollers (inside the mouse) of a substance technically known as “gunk.” Dirt, dust, dead skin cells, skin oils, lint…gunk. The alcohol gently dissolves and loosens that stuff, and your mouse is back to normal.

Do you have any other Mac tips? For the mouse or any other part of your machine? Leave a comment and let us know!