
“There are people whose remembrance gives light in this world, long after they have passed away. This light shines in our darkest nights on the road we must follow.” (Anonymous) Out of the most tragic and historic events there comes both deep sorrow and great hope. Jonathan Safran Foer, author of Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, takes the reader on a journey through the eyes of a nine-year old boy named Oskar Schell. With a roller-coaster of emotions, Jonathan Safran Foer captures and invokes remembrance of the September 11th tragedy. Through the use of powerful sentences and descriptive words, the author puts the reader in the shoes of Oskar- who sadly lost his father in the terrorist attacks.

Remembrance is not only evoked through written language, but also through visual imagery. It is said that a single picture is worth more than a thousand words. Jonathan Safran Foer scattered a select amount of vivid images of the tragic event; drawing attention to places and particular objects. For example, the photograph on page 303, symbolizes the key of remembrance and unlocking the hidden truths of Oskar Schell’s father. The hands etched with the words “YES” and “NO” on page 260 depict the inability to communicate when one has experienced suffering. These images hold a deeper meaning that can only be exchanged through the reader’s eyes and felt with the heart. Remembrance, whether through a written language or a cluster of images, unlocks hidden doors and explores the windows of the soul.


“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.” (Kevin Arnold) In the touching novel, The Namesake, written by Jhumpa Lahiri, the reader glances through the eyes of Gogol- struggling to shape his identity based on Indian traditions and American dreams. Through hardships, self-acceptance and understanding, Gogol must learn to come to terms with his name, his family, and his background. His name invokes remembrance through self identity- remembering who he is, and where he comes from. It holds a significant meaning that changes the course of his life as he soon realizes his place in America.

Like Jonathan Safran Foer, Jhumpa Lahiri uses descriptive language to create visual images. In the beginning of the novel, Ashima is about to give birth to Gogol and speaks of the differences between an American clock and an Indian one. Through the use of imagery and detailed phrases, Lahiri evokes remembrance. The ticking of the clock and counting of time during birth in America takes the reader back to the quiet life in India- where traditions are essential and family embodies everything. During his adventure through life, Gogol’s father reveals the significance of his son’s name- recalling a series of events that have shaped his life and will mark his destiny. Through self-identity and vivid memories, Gogol slowly comes to terms with himself and embarks on a new path- clinging on to his heritage, his father’s memories, and most importantly, his name.

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