
The review of the “Ingres at the Morgan,” by Rosenberg beautifully integrated the history of his life and the paintings in the exhibition. Also, She described why the painter, Ingres drew them and what personal strife or happiness was occurring during that time. Right from the first sentence it felt as if the artist was telling the story of his life. The reviewer also takes lines from a letter that was sent to his fiancé, which brings more life to the character of the artist. “I roll over in my bed, I cry, I think of you constantly. … I will find it impossible to stay even perhaps a year.” This quote form the article displays the artist’s personal problems during his trip to France. The line manifests his emotional sadness at not only being away form his fiancé but also from the fact that he has been receiving negative reviews for the Parisian critics.


The review of The Art of Dissent in 17th-Century China: Masterpieces of Ming Loyalist Art from the Chih Lo Lou Collection by Cotter was a little more detailed but went to deep that Cotter began talking about the history more than the artworks. The exhibition covered several artists during this time period so it was harder to sympathize with their problems because they were so many different stories. The reviewer points out that the artist Huang DaoZhou drew the painting “Pines and Rock” which had the inscription “Even if I turned into rock, I wouldn’t become obstinate” Yet the arist clearly goes against what he wrote and remained obstinate, clearly not following his own advice. DaoZhou is faced with a choice to whether remain loyal to the old dynasty or change to the new one. He choses to remain loyal to the old dynasty knowing that it will result in his death. I thought the second one was a little drawn out and felt a bit trite. The article was more of a history lesson than an art review. The review of Ingres also used history but it was a little more interesting because it was written more like a novel than a history textbook.

4 thoughts on “Art

  1. While I believe that history is crucial when viewing/understanding a piece of artwork, I agree with you that a review should consist of more information regarding the actual work of art rather than the historical background, in order to keep the reader focused.

  2. i believe the opposite. i think that a review on a painting needs to be more history and background than description of the painting itself because you can simply see a picture of the painting for yourself. you don’t need someone to describe it

  3. Serge i also agree that a review on a painting needs to be on history and background. The Ingres review also included history and background on the artist but i felt that the history included in the chinese art might have taken away from the art itself and more on the history.

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