To Be Determined

Fate seems to be present in many plays such as “The Barber of Seville” by Pierre Beaumarchais. Count Almaviva has fallen in love with Rosine. He serenades her to no avail but does not give up. It seems that fate has almost brought these two together. Barthalo is greedy and wants Rosine for himself. Therefore, he decides to lock her in his house, keeping watch over her. The Count loving Rosine, decides to disguise himself so he can enter the house. Fate is quite evident as the Count happened to meet Figaro. That is too much of a coincidence to occur normally. Even though it is determined that the Count loves Rosine, he wants to make sure that she feels the same way. He wants to make sure that they’re both happy despite fate. Bartholo seems to want to fight the decision that Rosine and the Count are destined. However, Bartholo ends up losing as the love between Rosine and the Count is too great.

The ending of the play is quite confusing. However, it ends in the happiness of the Count and Rosine. Both of them get married as Bartholo tries to stop them. However, he is too late and the marriage contract is signed. Fate seems to have a key role in this play. The Count was destined to be with Rosine. He did anything he could to be with her and in the end, they were together. Despite the play being a comedy, fate is still apparent and can be seen throughout the play.

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