C’mon! Give Them a Chance!

Claudia La Rocco’s review of A Prize Every Time really gives the reader a chance to appreciate an art form that requires patience. Trios of choreographers are given a group to dance with during this four day event. She really make it clear that there is a level of difficulty to this performance and while it does take time for their to create a dance. It is well worth the wait. She utilizes language that is easy to understand and also relatable.

La Rocco does make it clear that not all of the performances were strong enough that it was worth waiting for. She includes a more than sufficient amount of dialogue and viewer response but she fails to describe in her own words what she got from the play. She mentions it is piece choreographed, but what is the piece about? Is there a central theme to the dances?

I seem to pick up more of a response to the performance, rather than some context and then some opinion on the dance. There is no doubt that these performers are talented. There is a picture of a woman in red heels, blue pants with a golden stripe running through, and a yellow skirt. She is standing on her hands, telling us she is quite athletic and fit, thus validating the fact that these performers do have a certain degree of professionalism and training. The thinning crowd reflect the audiences’ response to the show which most likely is abysmal.

Personally, I would watch this show because the picture sold it to me rather than her review. However, La Rocco does bring some important perspectives of the piece to light. Despite the viewers’ response, I am all for improv and would love to attend.

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