The Unpredictable Production

Sometimes certain things may surprise you and may come to you out of the blue. However, these surprises may really be helpful to you in the long run and can really turn you into a better person. Like life, the production “The Love Letter You’ve Been Meaning to Write New York,” experiences the same situations and may be swayed by its surrounding environment.

Claudia Lo Rocco, in her article “Just Can’t Say Goodbye to Gotham,” discusses the production.  She begins by bringing down some peculiar aspects about the productions such as the hackneyed script, the amateur performers and the strained concept and plot. However, she states that there is something about this production that draws the audience in.

The reviewer then brings down the location of the play which is at the 3LD Art & Technology Center in Lower Manhattan. however, it is not really inside the center, rather it takes place outside on Greenwich Street, making the play all the more exhilarating. The audience sits inside the theater, along with the composer and musicians, as they watch the action unfold through floor to ceiling glass windows.

Lo Rocco continues to give us a little background of the play and provides some information as to her experience of watching it. She explains that the play is about and “young romantic” who’s proposal was rejected by his girlfriend. He contemplates whether or not he can bear to stay in New York. She explains that most of the play is scripted, however, due to their “unpredictable stage” some parts are improvised or come about as a result of traffic flowing through the street. Lo Rocco explains that these moments were her favorite part of the production. Throughout the play many pedestrians strolling the street, stop by and watch as the play goes on and react in different ways. Some passer-bys are confused and bewildered, while others are delighted to see what will happen next.

While reading this article, I was immediately intrigued by the production. The actors of the play are almost in the same position as the audience. Just like us, they are waiting to see what will happen next and don’t really know how it will play out. They must react to certain things going on around them and must be prepared to act out a change in their environment.

4 thoughts on “The Unpredictable Production

  1. I found this to be quite an interesting and informing review. I’m glad that the author picked an unusual production and explained the perks and interesting points of the show. Your description of the play intrigues me as well and makes me want to go and watch the show!

  2. I love how you introduced the play and its’ review. I think it’s really creative to have a scripted, yet improvised, play. However, wouldn’t it be a problem to hold the show on the streets? Even so, I find myself wanting to go see this production, probably even more than one time. The unpredictable part of the production makes me think that there may be a different ending every time!

  3. I think this play sounds very interesting and I would like to go see it. The review is pretty good but I agree with Sharon that it makes me wonder if there are problems associated with holding the performance on the streets and I wish that this had been discussed more in the review. This is an important part of the experience of audience members and I think that it should have been included in the review. It mentions what it was like during Friday’s performance in the rain but I wonder what it is like when the weather is nice?

  4. This play sounds pretty interesting since the actors perform impromptus. I wonder different sessions of the production lead to different storyline? I really admire the fact that we the audience sit inside glass window and observe the actors who also have no ideas what they will be doing.

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