Reliving the Past

The child population in my neighborhood has exponentially increased over the last couple of years. Every morning I am woken up by children’s screams, cries and outrageous laughter. I get annoyed when they interrupt my sleep. But, then I realize I was probably just like them when I was younger. I think childhood was the happiest time of my life. As a child, I got away with mostly everything and school was actually fun. Everyday was spent running around the neighborhood, plucking flowers from people’s garden and playing hopscotch. Life was so carefree without any huge responsibilities. Unfortunately, in the end, everyone has to grow up. At least it’s nice to know we will always have the memories to look back on.

As the cycle of life continues, in ten years, hopefully I’d have left by then and the group of kids will be in my position, complaining about the next batch to come.

Life is too fast

This is the middle school I went to, and the park that was under reconstruction finished recently, I think about a year ago. I often get nostalgic when passing by the school, but at the same time, the new park chains me in the present. I played in the old park, bought food in the nearby area, and hung out with my friends near the school during lunchtime. I miss my younger days.

I recently got this laptop; I’m happy to have gotten it. We live in the technological era, and I’m enjoying it. I like this era because the internet is vast and full of opportunities and entertainment. I surf the web, watch videos on the computer screen, and message people through social networks, all thanks to the internet. In the future, I may become busier and have less leisure time to go on the internet or be with friends or other things.

I currently go to Baruch College. I’ll be here for the next 4 years, my short term future. I expect the years to pass quickly, so I hope to have a lot of fun these years. After all, these years won’t come back. I live in a complicated and fast paced world.


And no matter how many times I tell myself this, I seem to not understand because I procrastinate so much. Time is precious.



Where do I live?I live in the connections I make throughout my life. When I recall my home, I do not solely see four walls and a roof, I see the links and bonds I made there. I can smell the breakfast my mom is cooking on Saturday mornings. I can hear my dog barking whenever a stranger is passing by the house. I can feel my heart pounding as I sprint for a touchdown playing football with my friends.

Growing up in Staten Island, I formed connections that will last me a lifetime. I became closer to my family and they have helped me grow especially my sister Simran and my dog Lucky. My sister has helped me grow from the immature teen who  I once was into the (slightly) less immature college student I am today while my dog has taught me to be responsible and caring. Finally, my friends are the biggest connections that form where I live. Throughout my life, my friends have been there for me, whether to shoot around a basketball or to pick me up when I fall. They have taught me to be more open and accepting to new ideas, encouraging me to embrace the college experience. Because of them I know that I can make even greater bonds in college while still keeping the ones that I have held dearly for so long. Though where I live may change over the years, I am certain that I will always reside in the connections that I form and the friends that I make. Technically, I live in Staten Island but where do I really reside? I reside in the connections I make throughout life.

Hola Soy Jeff

My name is Jeffrey Freedman, but I prefer Jeff.

My hometown(or neighborhood I should say) is Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.  It’s a nice neighborhood with lots of great food.  I went to Christa Mcauliffe for jhs and Brooklyn Tech for H.S.

Although I am planning to major in economics at Baruch, my dream job is to be a touring rock singer.  I like metal/hard rock, specifically a genre called post-hardcore/metalcore.  Some of my favorite bands include Alesana, Memphis May Fire, Pierce the Veil, Avenged Sevenfold, A Day to Remember, Mayday Parade,etc…  Aside from singing I write lyrics and I’m working on learning guitar.

Some random facts about me include that I am 3/4 Mexican-American and 1/4 Russian-American. My fave colors are black and red, I like skull designs a lot, and I generally just like hanging out with friends.

The majority of my close friends from hs stayed in NYC and I’ve made a lot of new friends at Baruch, so I’m excited for what the future holds.

@®I HIMB€®

Hello there!

I am Ari Himber.

I am very into health, and plan on doing an interdisciplinary major in Nutrition and Exercise Science and Sociology through the CUNY BA program. I wish to work on community-based preventative health systems. My past has formed this desire in many ways.

First, I was born with a non-functional thyroid. I’ve taken a pill every day since I was 7 days old to replace the thyroxine my body cannot synthesize on its own. It made me aware of metabolism and the importance of nutrition at an earlier age than most people.

Second, I have to be careful about what I eat. I am allergic to peanuts and soy, and I grew up eating Kosher, so I have been forced to develop a consciousness of what is in my food and what it will do to me.

Third, I am an “FFK” – a former fat kid. I had asthma and was not nearly active enough in my younger childhood. Finally, in 10th grade, I kicked it: I started biking to school and dropped about 15lbs in around 2.5 months. Since then, I have made sure to keep off the fat and am always working towards a better body.

But anyway… on to other things about me!

I love to debate and discuss issues. I was forced to develop my skills in those areas due to my religious environment growing up. As I am (1) gay and (2) an atheist, I often had to defend myself on multiple fronts to those who did not understand, and worse, to those who did not want to.

I spent much time on music when I was in high school. I sang, I danced, I listened, I played, and I wrote (albeit not so well.) Music was a means for me to stop analyzing and rationalizing everything, and it allowed me to revel in and develop my emotions.

I free reference very well- at times a little too well for my own good. I can be very random and spontaneous. This was my main reason for joining College Bowl (a trivia league) in high school. There, my seemingly-random associations between songs, shows, math, science, writing, etc, were appreciated. In fact, I was one of the four people on our team who competed in a televised trivia competition. While we did not win the competition, it was a great experience 🙂

I am glad to be in college and living on my own, and gladly anticipate the coming years.