Salutations, it’s Ann

Ciao world! My name is Ann Privorotskiy and I’m sitting in front of my laptop at this very moment wondering what I can possibly say about myself. I’m a bit of an organizational freak and I make lists for everything so I think that’s what I’m going to do

– I was born and raised in Brooklyn.

– I’m an only child.

-Aside from English, I speak Russian and I’m decent in Italian because I took it in school for 5 years.

– I’m obsessed with Italy. The architecture, the culture, the cities and most importantly…the food.

-No matter how full I am after a meal, I will always have room for dessert.

-I’m not athletic but I recently got into skiing! This is me overcoming my deathly fear of heights:



I’m a complete and total science nerd and hope to one day become a pediatrician. Now I know what you’re thinking, “She came to Baruch to do pre-med?” When I was ranking my schools for my Macaulay application, my first instinct was to put Hunter College as my first choice for the program. After visiting Hunter’s campus, I didn’t find it as homey as Baruch’s and saw that although it’s small, Baruch does have a Natural Sciences program. I trusted my gut and put Baruch down as my first choice and I’m really glad I did. I’m really excited about being in charge of my schedule, meeting new people, learning about what I do and don’t like, and overall the entire college experience. I’m also really excited about being in Macaulay and I can’t wait to see what this class will have in store.