Hey, it’s Beth!

My identity is defined by all of my hobbies, experiences, and quirks. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, but I currently live on Staten Island. Through both middle school and high school I have been immersed in studio art. At LaGuardia High School for the Arts, I dedicated three years to mastering my skills in oil painting… Which is my favorite medium. In addition to art class, I was the Editor in Chief of my high schools yearbook and hope to develop my leadership skills further in college. During the last few summers I have worked as a camp counselor as working with kids is one of my biggest hobbies. I love teaching art to youth and I take every opportunity available to inspire a young mind. In addition to painting and mentoring children, I am a theater geek who has seen over 30 broadway musicals and many other performances including: operas, ballets, circuses, dramas, and concerts. Also, it is my dream to travel the world and make an impact on communities in developing nations. So far I’ve been to about ten countries, but I hope to backpack through Europe and visit  countries in both Africa and Asia. Though this is a very short synopsis of who I am, I anticipate that after a semester in this seminar we will become familiar with each other through the arts.

Here are some of my paintings: (Some are painted with palette knife and are purposely impressionistic/ smudged)

Oil on canvas

Oil on canvas

Oil on canvas

Oil on canvas

OIl on canvas