Hey people, it’s Erynn!

Hello all! I’m Erynn Hughes. I was born and raised in Stony Brook, Long Island. I have one younger sister and two dogs that I love dearly. I consider myself to be very athletic and am into playing various sports. I played on my high school basketball team, and I’ve played tennis and softball as well. In my spare time, I like to watch movies, mostly comedies or books turned into movies. I wouldn’t consider myself a couch potato, but I do like to watch TV. My favorite TV series of all time is Friends, and shows that I like to watch nowadays include Big Brother and various Netflix shows. As far as music goes, I like to listen to rap, with Jay-Z at the top of the list. I’ll also listen to R&B and alternative rock songs whenever I’m working out or trying to relax.

After taking an introduction course in my senior year, I’ve become quite interested in graphic design. I furthered my skills by joining my school’s yearbook club and even became editor of the student life section. Through this experience, I’ve considered combining my interests of business and graphic design into a single major or major/minor (since I’m currently undecided). Below, I’ve included a picture of my final graphic design project that involved inventing the brand identity and developing the packaging of a fictitious sports drink.

E3 Bottles