Is Smoking Too Cool for the Big Screens?

Smoking cigarettes has been widely popular since the mid-20th century and people still continue to smoke today. However within the last few decades, people have become more aware of the consequences of smoking tobacco. Now in the media, instead of seeing cigarettes ads, we see ads for stopping smoking addiction, whether it be with the woman talking with her electrolarynx, or also known as a throat back or nicotine patches and gum.

prevent smoking


We also see currently society pushing the idea that smoking will kill you towards children to prevent them from smoking. Kids are receiving speeches at school from an early age, they watch health videos, and they learn what smoking can do to their bodies. Now advocacy groups are taking it up a step, and they want to limit the amount of smoking in movies for teenagers and children. Brooks Barnes wrote an article and she mentioned that Hollywood has reduced the amount of smoking within the last few years drastically, but the Movie Picture Association of America refuses to automatically label movies that contain smoking to rated-R.



Disney has an anti-smoking policy since 2007, and this means that any of the Disney-labeled films cannot contain any smoking. However, the shareholders want to push this even further and how Disney to extend this policy to their PG-13 movies too. These shareholders have been sending these types of requests to the movie companies based off reports created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the surgeon general. The CDC even believes that if future movies that portrays any actresses or actors smoking are labeled rated-R, then millions of deaths can be prevented and teen smokers will be reduce by every one in five.

teens smoking


I do strongly believe that the media plays a huge part in advertising smoking to kids by showing them how cool it is and that it cannot hurt you, but I am not actually sure if I believe changing a label on movies will reduce and prevent that many teen smokers remarkably. Many movies do display smoking as the cool thing to do,but I feel like some shows and movies now show that smoking is bad and harmful. I am sure by changing all movies with cigarettes will decrease the amount of death caused by smoking and the number of young smokers, but it will most likely be a very slow process. I also think there are ways to get around this. For example, many kids who are not 17 years old, still see rated-R movies or there will always be smoking around them whether it is in tv shows or in person.

Even though I am a little doubtful on this idea, I hope to see it come true in the future and show that it can make a difference. Beside movies, I think we need to take more approaches to get rid of smoking and other drugs on other medias like music, shows, and video games. I just hope that children will learn how harmful cigarettes can be and that they make the right choices in the future.

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