The Magic Flute- What a crazy adventure!
In the beginning of the play, when Tamino faints from the snake and a bunch of women save him. Tamino reminded me of the fainting goat. One scare, and he goes down.

It’s funny how, in the play, it starts off with women being the hero. Yet, throughout the whole play, they are being constantly put down! “Women does little, gossips much.” and “She is an arrogant women- A must guide your heart. For without that, every woman tends to overstep her natural sphere.”. I understand in the century this play was made in, women were not so much the voice we are today. They were constantly known as an “item” or a possession. In the various minds of men, women were incapable. However, if I were to hear this in our day and time I wouldn’t take it.
Tamino first get the portrait of Pamina, he just falls in love with her. It reminded me of the show we saw, On the Town, when Gabey first sees Miss Turnsitle and falls in love with her.
I just don’t understand! How can someone fall in love with someone from just a picture. I understand people go for the people they are attracted to. However, it cannot be love unless you know the person. It’s more of an interest in a person who’s pretty. Love is complex. Love, in my opinion, cannot be established between two people until they have time to get to know each other. Again, seeing the century, I can understand that people fall in love quick because they were forced to at a young age. However, in this day and time we have time to consider what we want in a person. Some people prefer to be alone with their cats as well. That’s okay too.
When Tamino cannot talk to Pamina, she just suddenly thinks he doesn’t love her anymore. I guess, to her at least, the only logical solution was to kill herself. I read that part and had to do a double take. Suicide? Really? You just met the guy and now you want to kill yourself because he doesn’t “love you”? It’s an opera, but that’s way to dramatic. Even Papageno wanted to kill himself because he couldn’t find Papagena. I haven’t seen many musical performances and I am a very logical person. So, seeing these two characters wanting to kill themselves after their “loves” are gone is ridiculous to me. All I want to say to them is….
The play, overall, was a good read. I cannot wait to see it live. I’m hoping it will be a wonderful experience. Especially since it is my first Opera.