New York City: The Only Place to Be
“New York is the meeting place of the peoples, the only city where you can hardly find a typical American.” ― Djuna Barnes
“Cut off as I am, it is inevitable that I should sometimes feel like a shadow walking in a shadowy world. When this happens I ask to be taken to New York City. Always I return home weary but I have the comforting certainty that mankind is real flesh and I myself am not a dream.” ― Helen Keller
“I get out of the taxi and it’s probably the only city which in reality looks better than on the postcards, New York.” ― Milos Forman
I love New York City. The reason I live in New York City is because it’s the loudest city on the planet Earth. It’s so loud I never have to listen to any of the shit that’s going on in my own head. It’s really loud. They literally have guys come with jackhammers and they drill the streets and just leave cones in front of your apartment; you don’t even know why. Garbage men come; they don’t pick up the garbage, they just bang the cans together. ― Lewis Black
“Make your mark in New York and you are a made man.” ―Mark Twain
“In New York it seems like there’s no Monday or Saturday or Sunday. The town is always moving. The vibe is great.” ―Thierry Henry