Learning About Eastern Europe Through the Arts

I found the article “A Survey Celebrates Georgia’s Rich Film Tradition,” particularly interesting because I have always had an interest in Eastern Europe. I believe that much of Eastern Europe is discounted by many Americans. Most Americans don’t have much knowledge about the former Soviet republics which has much to do with the Cold War. Even in the aftermath, there still tends to be a disinterest with Eastern Europe despite many interesting parts of life there.

I believe that movies and the arts can be a fantastic way for Americans to familiarize themselves with many aspects of Eastern European culture. It will also help to distinguish between many of the small, and relatively new countries. I found it interesting to see the distinct culture of Georgia described in the article. I particularly found the last line interesting where the director says that he views France as a “Georgia of the future.” There is no denying that many of the former Soviet republics are behind the western world culturally and technologically, but it is nice to see their aspirations.

I hope that the arts can be a way to interest Americans with the new countries, as much of what has been tried so far has not been able to. There is a lot to learn from all of the countries in Eastern Europe and they have a lot to contribute culturally. The sooner Americans began to learn about these distinct cultures the better, and hopefully it can happen through the arts.

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