Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Hi, I’m Jan!

My full name is Jan Carlo Avendano, but it’s okay to just call me Jan. I am majoring in Management, concentrating in Operations Management. I come from Sunset Park, Brooklyn, and I went to the High School of Telecommunications Arts and Technology. I’m excited to begin my undergraduate studies here at Baruch!

Me doing a 360-roundhouse kick during a demonstration in Sunset Park
Me doing a 360 Roundhouse kick in Sunset Park!

I am very passionate about martial arts. I have been doing Taekwondo for more than seven years and dabbled in other martial arts, such as kickboxing. Three years ago, I began my journey instructing classes, where I had to learn how to teach fun and engaging traditional and olympic-style Taekwondo classes that also teach discipline and progress students towards achieving their next belt. Today, I am a Head Instructor who is learning more about the business end of the martial arts school.

Here, I presented the program functionality. Before this, I explained the technology behind it, neural networks!

I am also really interested in Software Engineering! While in high school was a part of the school’s Software Engineering Program (SEP), where I had a lot of fun learning about programming languages and creating programs and websites. Here is a video where I presented my senior year Freedom Project, where I trained a computer-vision AI model to detect martial arts techniques!

I also like to do a bit of photography! Especially landscape/scenic photography, but I generally look for things that just stand out. Here are some of my best photos!

Those are some of the main things that I do, other than that though, I really love athletic training and weightlifting, writing, technology, and video games. That’s all for me!

What do I have to complain of, if I’m going to do what I was born for – the things I was brought into the world to do?

Marcus Aurelius,

1 Comment

  1. arindam01

    Hey Jan! Your practical knowledge is awesome man, I’ve always wanted to get more into programming so seeing you do it and actually program something that you’re passionate about is really cool! On top of that, your photos and the Taekwondo picture of you midair is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. We should definitely hit a lift together!

    (The Marcus Aurelius quote at the end also goes hard).

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