Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Blog Post 1: Day and Night

Moving to Manhattan just a few weeks ago has allowed me to see the city through an appreciative lens where there is a new view to take in at every corner. As the day fades into the night and the atmosphere completely changes, it reminds me of the changes that have occurred in my own life. Seeing the overwhelming creativity that went into making the city what it is today and how it will change tomorrow is something I do not overlook. This collage reflects the city through my eyes at seemingly mundane moments throughout the day (and night).


  1. Xin

    I really liked these photos and how they resonate with every one of us. I think the thing about living in the city is that there are endless places to explore because things are always changing and at a fast pace too. It is a busy city where no one stops to look around and appreciate what we have. I think it is really nice that you took the time and noticed the differences around you, it’s something that we should all do .

  2. Anna Deng

    Hi Gab! I love your pictures; they are so pretty! I also completely agree with you! Tuesday’s trip around Baruch has made me more aware of the art around me, and like you said, it seems like there’s a new view to take in all the time. Every day I take the same route home, but the nuance in the sky makes it feel like there’s a new view and beauty to see.

  3. gunjan07

    Hello, I loved your pictures; they are beautiful and mesmerizing. I loved the way ended the last line like “though my eyes”. It shows that how you think of art and what it means to you. And I agree with you that day made me feel like that I should appreciate art more.

  4. cla521

    I really like the contrast that could be seen in your pictures, as reflected in the title. New York City seems to turn into different places, depending on what the time is and whether the sun is still up. Sometimes because of how busy everyone is in NYC, we forget to take in the beauty that can be seen in our everyday routes. Through these pictures, I can truly appreciate the beauty that can be seen, even in the more simpler everyday aspects of our lives.

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