Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Blog Post 1: Hidden in Plain Sight

Recognizing how easily we overlook the beauty around us amidst life’s hectic pace and the constant distraction of technology, I embarked on my daily journey home with a renewed perspective and a fresh pair of eyes to fully embrace the art I encounter daily. Here’s a little collage showcasing the captivating pieces I found along the way:


  1. stephaniepisarevskiy

    Wow, this is very cool! I especially like how you connected three different parts of your life through the use of art in a timeline format. The timeline emphasizes the fact that each of these pieces was part of some form of a larger movement, which serves as a reminder that art is bigger than its individual works combined. I can recognize the very first artwork on the left seems to incorporate elements from Picasso’s distinct style and the 9/11 memorial pieces serve their own purpose. These differences also make me wonder about the purpose of art: is it enough to create art just to create it? Or is art only considered art when it has meaning? This is similar to the discussion we had with the “Fountain” piece by Marcel Duchamp, so it’s interesting that your reflection led to that idea again.

  2. Yinglin

    It is so interesting that art is everywhere, but we overlook art due to the distractions we encounter everyday. Art is such a great way for us to deepen our understanding of the community we live in. Your post inspires me to explore my community and see my neighborhood from a different perspective.

  3. cla521

    I really like how you highlighted the art that could be found on your routine everyday from your home to Baruch. I agree with what you said about technology. Because of our phones, we seem to miss out on the simple things in life. For example, like when on the subway, I personally never noticed the murals because I am too engrossed in my phone. But now, inspired by your work, I feel like I will be more on the look out for these small yet beautiful things.

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