In this collage, where visions collide
Shapes a tapestry where worlds coincide
Towering heights to urban lights
New York City is a wonderful delight

Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023
© 2025 Arts in New York City
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I really like how you combined images from the walk together and made a poem that related to it about how images and visions collide, as well as, illustrating the towering heights of a building and including it in ur poem.
Great poem Steven! I really enjoyed the combination of a multitude of New York-specific art pieces that can be seen in your picture as it goes especially well with the flow and content of your poem. Highlighting Sheila Pepe’s art piece as the center of your picture is also a great concept especially since it’s so in tune with the spirit of New York where beauty is built upon the extant properties.
When I first looked at this collage, I assumed it was one photograph until I saw the crochet element from Madison Square Park. I think it’s really great how you were able to put together this piece and make it look like one, fluid landscape. It really incorporates all different elements and structures of New York and the colorful crochet art really stands out against the more monotone background.