In this poem I describe my personal view of Sheila Pepe’s artwork, located in Madison Square Park, most widely known as “My Neighbor’s Garden”. I try to embody my noticings in her artwork through giving descriptions and thoughts on what I viewed. I try to use this poem to show how Pepe’s work builds community and shapes space. She uses her artwork to raise more awareness between New Yorkers about the feminist movement.

Walking into Madison Square Park,

hues of rosy pinks, fiery oranges, periwinkle purples

yearning for attention from fellow pedestrians

Thick and thin patterns of intertwined fibers

Wrap around the cocoa colored tree branches

Viridescent vines begin to expand

Creating a web like structure

Leading optimism into people’s lives

Materials of Nylon and Cottons stretch in great heights

Further promoting feminism

Concepts of women’s liberation

Reflects off of Pepe’s composition

Illustrating the significance of community

A representation that inspires

A representation that provokes

A representation that challenges

Imagine Spider-Woman With a Crochet Hook - The New York Times