Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

A Day in the Life of Michaela

Walking down from my cozy home,

I wait for my bus by a place where prisoners roam,

to see the sights of a park all alone.

As I go along the trail,

I see an old home with abandoned tales.

Walking down to my favorite mini mall,

I pass by a restaurant where all the kids go,

and I eat in a park where memories never go,

of the ones who’s lives got lost.

Walking down to the airport,

only a few minutes from home,

Where I yearn to see the unknown,

But have to postpone,

to walk back up to my cozy home.


  1. dheyalasimrin

    I loved how your poem started and ended with you finding comfort in your home. It’s a beautiful idea that we can explore so much around us, like you do with your airport and town, and always return to one place that we can rely on being there for us.

  2. sophb149

    I love all the photos you took! My favorite is of the bridge. I love the angle you took it from. Were there any specific stylistic choices you took when taking the photos?

  3. ahbabj

    I really like how you were able to create a poem to go along with the images and how they relate to you. I also really like how you involve pictures that include man-made objects as well as things from nature.

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