Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Dance in NYC

The unpredictability of New York City is a very significant part of its charm. This “dance” goes to show the duality of Central Park that a pedestrian would experience during a walk. One minute, you’re soothed by the tone of a Japanese fiddle, and the next you find yourself walking to ringing bells and beating drums. The culture of New York City is built by each person who inhabits it, and that becomes clear on our everyday dance through such an unpredictable park.

1 Comment

  1. janavedano05

    I think what adds to this is the sheer size of the park allows for the space to host multiple different events all at once that all represent different experiences and cultures. This size is an inviting aspect of the park, which brings people from all over the city to one green space.

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