Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Blog Post #2: Movement in NYC

Although the highway seemed less busy than usual, this video I took illustrates the tens of thousands of cars and people that pass through the FDR Drive each day. From cabs to family cars, this road is a major vessel for the movement present in many people’s lives. Each vehicle has a different destination, which brings life to both the roads and to the city.


  1. ahbabj

    I love how you were able to incorporate the idea of vehicular movement from the first person perspective. It really goes to show how populated the FDR drive can be with cars and you were able to bring that to life through the first person lens.

  2. Imaan Malhi

    I like how you brought up that ever individual has a different destination from the rest- it’s always nice to see how you fit relative to everyone else in the world. I also enjoyed the unique perspective of your video- a passenger looking onto other cars.

  3. Anna Deng

    Because I have been in a car so many times, I never really appreciate the view and experience offered by driving. This is an interesting choreography. The choreography of the cars can exhibit fast or slow pace, but even with a steady speed it seems like the car driving ahead of you guys are always slightly bobbing which is interesting.

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