Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Street Choreo

This video was taken on Friday, September 29th when severe flooding interrupted many of the subway lines, eapecially towards the afternoon and evening. It is interesting to see the frustration, the anxiety, the anger, and the angst building up in the subway station, which you can feel if you’ve ever experienced a similar feeling and situation using the MTA. We all have a common destination: home.


  1. Gab Milata

    I like how you were able to capture all of these people who were all mostly in the same situation at the same time. The flooding caused a multitude of inconveniences for people who had to commute and go about their day, which was illustrated in your clip. These everyday moments make up the movement that ultimately comprises the city.

  2. verag

    I’ve definitely experienced the frustration of having to wait for delayed trains, even this morning I was almost late to my class because of an issue at prospect park station. I love how we are all able to relate to this piece of choreography as it’s a main part of our lives as New Yorkers and something we experience everyday as commuter students.

  3. Anna Deng

    This is a choreography I have seen seen one too many times, especially during the mornings when everybody is starting their day and during rush hour when everybody is trying to get home. There’s this exciting feeling with this choreography in that, no matter how many times you see it, the choreography isn’t always the same. You’ll have people walking at a slower pace, faster place, bigger steps, smaller steps and occasionally even stops do to congestion.

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