Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Blog Post 2

This is the culture of waiting by the street for the light to change colors. In New York City, this is necessary so you don’t get hit by speeding cars in Manhattan. I recorded this because there are so many lights to wait by and by Baruch, there are huge groups of people also waiting, demonstrating the choreography of NYC since this is part of a daily routine and they all walk at the same time once the light changes.


  1. cailynkit

    I think it’s interesting how most of the people waiting for the light are just on their phone, I think it says a lot about today’s culture and people’s typical “choreography.”

  2. elliegillis

    I see this stop every day on my way to Baruch, and it really does bring people together and have them move as one. I am always crossing the street and waiting with a big group on the sidewalk, and seeing us all move together seems to make us each a part of the whole of this city.

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