Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Blog Post #2: Arrival at Penn

Every morning, commuters get on the train with the intention of getting to their destination. Some may get off before Penn Station, but most people’s destination is Penn. After a while sitting, silently paying attention to each of their own worlds, things suddenly begin to busy up once again. Everyone is trying to get off at the last station of the ride: Penn Station.


  1. michaelakokkinos

    This is interesting to look at, it shows how everyone has their own life and gets sucked into their own world but then everyone gets off at the same destination, never seeing each other again.

  2. arindam01

    Great job! I feel like this one is so easy to relate to, especially as someone who has to commute both ways. It’s easy to see people in their own worlds who all have the same destination in mind. I find that there’s a level of uniformity in their eagerness which makes their movement seem even more interesting.

  3. gunjan07

    This is so exciting to watch that people were minding on their own business and suddenly it became so chaos to leave the train and go for their own work.

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