Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Creative Project 1- Open Spaces

“Every time you see concrete jungle, you must find open spaces. And when you find open spaces, make it so people can get to them.”

Eduardo Paes


  1. stephaniepisarevskiy

    I really like the quote that you used to describe your piece. I often think about why NYC is called a “concrete jungle.” The name implies a sort of immobility and unnatural way of life, which I believe is very innacurate. There is constant movement and it is a city open to many opportunities, although there is always room for more.

  2. Gab Milata

    I really like how you noticed and appreciated these open spaces throughout the city and also how you included the quote in your project. It suggests that these open spaces are there for people to take up and make use of, which is what the city thrives on.

  3. anipapazian

    I really like how you connected your black and white photography to a quote that shows how people of NYC come together in these open spaces to make up NYC. Your photographs really do a good job at illustrating the liveliness of NYC which I believe is a major part of the city’s culture.

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