Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

NYC – a place where you’re never alone

New York City is 302.6 square miles big

And best believe every piece of land is occupied

If not by skyscrapers and stores

You got museums, parks, and statues

It’s easy to get lost among the chaos

But, there’s certainly someone who’s willing to give you a tour 

For the city that never sleeps at night, there’s one guarantee

You’re never alone

Situation one

is where you’re most comfortable 

You are surrounded by friends and family 

You’re having fun 

You go watch the waters

You visit Little Island

You go to karaoke 

You go study 

You do this 


Situation two 

is where you are most observant  

You’re subconsciously surrounded by 8 million people

You see faces you may never see again 

You see people walking past you 

You see people having fun

You see people laughing 

You see people crying 

Though your friends are not around 

You are not alone 

You’re actually one step closer 

From making a new friend 

Situation three

is where you’re most reflective

You may find yourself in a barren place

You may find yourself feeling lonely

You may find yourself at peace

You may find yourself scared

You may find yourself lost

You may find yourself by yourself

But, you’re not alone

Our thoughts keep us company 

Though their company can bring joy or sadness

You’re never truly alone in NYC
You have your friends

You have strangers who can become more 

You have your thoughts

Be intentional with your time 

Whatever company you seek 

It’s attainable 


  1. Yinglin

    I definitely agree with you! In a city that is so diverse, it is easy to meet people who share similar interests as you and make friends. You are never alone, both mentally and physically. You are always there for yourself, and people are always there around you. If you put in effort, you can become friends with anyone you meet.

  2. anipapazian

    I like how you used your photography and poetry to depict the diversity of New York City and what it is like in a typical day in NYC. Your poem really did a good job in showing how NYC lives up to its name by showing what it brings to people.

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