Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Sounds of Home

Our video focuses on silence, noise, and voices, particularly those of our mothers. As the video starts, we are looking through family photo albums and recognize that in each photo, our mom is there, supporting us from afar. The video then pans over all of the tasks that our mothers complete for us throughout our lives so that our hands are empty and have the opportunity to create something magical.

The specific focus of our video was on the noises of the background that our moms create contrasted with the silence of our own combined with the words of wisdom, in our native languages, we keep in mind as we move through life. This part was partially inspired by the fascinating fact that studies have found that it is better to make decisions in our “second” language, or the one we don’t normally use, because it allows us to present our options as authentically as possible.

Our mothers live through noise for us so that we can contribute a verse in life.

Translation of the advice:

Focus on yourself and be kind to others. Treat others how you want to be treated and the right people will come into ur life. Follow your dreams no matter what. However, you will need to work hard and not everything will be handed to you. You can’t be selfish because when you love someone, doing things for them will make you happy.


  1. sophb149

    I loved your video so much! My favorite part was definitely the beginning, when you were showing the pictures of the mother and daughter. I thought it was so sweet and also brought context to the entire video. I also liked that you chose to make all the audio a VoiceOver, I thought it made the ideas being expressed that much more significant and impactful. I was wondering if there was a specific reason why you chose to structure your video that way?

  2. ahbabj

    I really loved how you showed how you were going through the past memories of your mothers marriage. It shows reminiscence of the past and how that connected to you. It also showed how you came to be from a baby to now.

  3. Gab Milata

    I really loved how you used native languages and your mothers’ voices in order to portray the feeling of home. By including food, daily tasks and family photos, I felt very reminded of what my home looks like.

  4. cailynkit

    I found the sentiment of your mother being present in every step of your life very heartwarming and I felt very connected to your message. Also, I liked the use of your native languages to show how even though we may communicate differently the idea of home is something we all share.

  5. Anna Deng

    I love your guys’ approach to the creative project, and I appreciate your vulnerability in this project. Thank you for welcoming us into your homes and letting us understand the sounds you hear at home. I think there’s also power in keeping the translations separate from the video because language translates a level of intimacy and connection among your family.

  6. cla521

    I really liked how you used languages to emphasize and highlight the difference in each of your cultures and homes. It was such a good way to emphasize the idea that our homes lie in our families and the cultures that we all individually have.

  7. arindam01

    Personally, I found the authenticity of your creative project to be really refreshing in the sense that it allowed for a narrative that played out seamlessly. The use of the authentic dialogue and the expression of individual cultures through pictures and actions really set the tone for what you guys identify home as. Furthermore, the narration of the video being powerful advice from powerful female role models was a great addition to the theme of the video.

  8. verag

    Your guys’ project is very endearing, especially how your appreciation for your mothers shines through in the video! All of the scenes worked perfectly together to capture the loving labor of mothers in every household that often go unnoticed. The different languages was also a nice addition as it shows how love truly transcends simple words, we didn’t need to know the language to understand the deep affection your mothers have for each one of you.

  9. Xin

    I like how this video has such a documentary feels, it’s also very touching to see the appreciation of your mothers’ life and how it makes you feel like home. One thing I would say would be better is if we could have subtitles alongside with the audio so that it would be easier to follow.

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