Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Conception to Perception

conception to perception video

What is art?

Art is…

Xin: Art is a part of our daily lives, from paintings hanging in exhibitions to random and intentional street movements. Art is about expression and perspective. It’s the connection between the artist and the audience.

Yinglin: Art is something that takes many forms. Through movements, dancers express their emotions and messages. Through paintings, artists encapsulate the world around them into a still image. Through clothing, art represents cultures and customs. Art helps people to express their sorrows, happiness, and feelings.

Ellie: Art is the expression of anything felt or thought by an artist. It can be a documentation of history from the perspective of someone who lived through or studied a time period. It can be an action or performance to share the physical or emotional journey an artist went through. It can be a prediction of someone’s hopes and dreams for the future or their expectations for what is to come. Art is made to share or memorialize a moment in time, how it makes people feel, and how it makes them change. It can persuade people and make them aware of one artist’s thoughts or feelings. It is a release of what happens inside the artist, or around them.

Vera: Art is a means for us to empathize with each other, to see one another beyond the surface level but rather explore our deepest emotions, concerns, and ties to our communities and our humanity. It’s also a very self-reflective process as well, requiring you to ruminate and delve deep into the exploration of your own emotions and beliefs and how they can take on a physical form. I came into this class with a pretty straightforward and simple understanding of art as just a painting, drawing sculpture, or something of that nature. Still, throughout this class, I’ve come to realize it holds so much more meaning beyond its physical nature. The stories that produced those pieces, the emotional landscape that resides within, and the perspective they convey. These are all what make art, art.

Art is connecting different canvases to create a unified piece of art that conveys the artist’s perspective. Through the different stages of art, the artist develops, forms, and completes their artistic vision. The artist creates a rough sketch of his roaming ideas from the developing stage using a pencil on canvas. At first, the artist views the art and conveys their emotions and message onto the empty canvas. During the curation stage, the art piece communicates with its surrounding pieces in the environment. The colorful acrylics correspond with the colorful walls of the exhibition. In the exhibition, the piece is able to connect and immerse its viewers in the world of the artists’. The viewers physically view the art, absorbing the strokes and shapes and envisioning the process and meaning of the piece. In the end, the whole picture is formed as the viewer immersed in the painting is art itself but also the purpose of art. 


  1. sophb149

    I love how for the manifesto each of you shared your interpretation of what art means instead of just having one person write the whole thing. It allowed each of you to contribute and share your own unique perspective!

  2. Imaan Malhi

    I really enjoyed looking at your guys’ project, from its conception to by you guys to its perception by us. I loved how the canvases were arranged and how you took a multimodal approach to it, it was super interesting and eye-catching. I agree with the person’s post-it at the end, I never would have thought to do something like this.

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