Digital Media Workshop

Digital handout on iMovie:

Google slides:

TikTok examples:

How to embed images

There are two types of editing posts: classic or block. Below are instructions on posting using the classic editor; for instructions on using the block editor go to this wordpress link.

Written by Kalle Westerling
To embed images, simply click Add Media, upload your image file to the Media Library and insert it into the post. You can drag the image to move it to a different part of the post. You should also attend to the size of the image and where it is situated in relation to your text.

  1. After adding Media, click on the image.
  2. You will see something that looks like this:
  3. You can decide whether to place it right, left or center of the page using the four rectangle buttons to the left. Use this to create text wrap with your images.
  4. Is your image too tiny or too huge? Click on the pencil and you will see something that looks like this:
  5. In the Display Settings section, you can do several things
      • Change the size your image displays (medium, large, thumbnail, original). Do this in the dropdown menu by “Size.”
      • Make it so when someone clicks on the image, it opens in a new window at the original size. Use this if you want to have a small image or thumbnail incorporated in the text of your post, but also allow the viewer to see it in greater detail if they want. Do this by selecting “Media File” from the dropdown menu by “Link To.”
      • Make it so when someone clicks on the image, it takes them to another website. Do this by selecting “Custom URL” from the dropdown menu by “Link To.”

Using Garage Band

Creating an audio project basics to mixing tracks. GB User Guide

How to embed audio

Embed an audio file using the same steps as embedding an image. Simply upload your mp3 file to the Media Library and add it to your post wherever you want it to show up. The basic audio player looks like this, so you may want to add a title and other identifying information.

For more info on where to find and download free music to use in your posts and projects, see Audio Resources

How to embed a YouTube video

It’s super easy to embed videos from into your posts. Simply copy the URL of the YouTube video and paste it in the text box of your post. The video will automatically embed so that it appears rather than the URL, like this video created by Baruch accounting student, Anthony:


Don’t forget to cite your sources. If you are drawing on someone else’s creative, intellectual work, they deserve credit and Baruch College policy compels you to do so.