Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

About My Cultural Heritage …

In my words, cultural heritage are the stories that my mom told me when I was young, the noodles that my grandma make from scratch, the different structures that my grandpa had taught me to build, and the mahjong that my dad had taught me to play. They filled up my childhood and still continued to stay with me today. Most of the things that I learned are a part of who I am now. And not everyone have the same cultural heritage, everyone is shown different things and might be taught different versions of the same thing due to the little changes that could’ve been made when it was passed down to each individual family.

“It is also the result of a selection process: a process of memory and oblivion that characterizes every human society constantly engaged in choosing—for both cultural and political reasons—what is worthy of being preserved for future generations and what is not.” I agree with this statement to a certain degree in that not everything gets passed down from generation to generation and I think it’s due to a change in times. What could be trending in the past might be still be in trend in the present. But I think that these trends will always be able to circle back.

I remember watching this one YouTuber that filmed videos in which she made many Chinese artifacts by scratch and using traditional tools. It was very fascinating to watch her videos because you don’t really get to see those processes anymore as more people use machines and technology to make those things. Without these cultural heritages, traditions an values could really be lost, and that’s why it is very important we try to preserve as much of it as possible.

1 Comment

  1. steven wang

    I agree with your post, these experiences might not be the same for everyone and everyone experiences culture differently so with these factors it might be easy to lose certain aspects of culture. I also really liked the way you described what cultural heritage means in reference to you culture. Final point you made was intresting and relates to the world right now so like if for example that youtuber that you mentioned that makes Chinese artifacts can just be replaced by a robot what will make people care about the craftsmenship? On a practical level it might all look the same. It becomes obsolete to have that knowledge for a regular person.

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