Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Public Art Response

I decided to express my reflection of our exploration of the city through an art form I am extremely passionate about-fashion. Although I am not a designer myself, I believe it is also an art form to put together outfits. I put this outfit together inspired by the crocheted art we saw in Madison Square Park. I found this art extremely beautiful and inspiring, and I also loved that the artist was a female. The crochet top is inspired by the crochet included in the artwork. The 2000s style is because I was born in 2005, and as a child my Mom tells me she would take me all the time to Madison Square Park. The pants are also a very popular street style which seems to mix in with the culture and fashion of New York City. Lastly, the floral earrings are inspired by flowers found around the park. I wanted to combine my own passion and love of the city with the beautiful and colorful art from the park.

I tried many different ways to get the photos to upload and it’s not working so I attached a link to the photos instead!

1 Comment

  1. anipapazian

    I really like how you combined your love and passion for fashion into your blog post. This really shows how you were inspired by Sheila Pepe’s artwork and connected to it with your own interests. I also like how you were inclined to use parts of New York Culture to create this outfit.

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