Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023


Blog Content

Most of the course content will be composed on the Blog. This is our community space, a place to share your perspectives on the arts, to inspire, and to respectfully engage with each other’s ideas.

Post Etiquette

Camaraderie is vital; consider this a public site so anything you say is visible to the world. Please don’t attack anyone personally for any reason; argue on topic. Use appropriate language. Be aware that slang terms, off-hand characterizations and foul language can offend others. In other words, be sensitive and present your views with maturity.

Posts and Comments

  • Entries are due by the date indicated on the course outline. You may revise your posts until you are satisfied.
  • A minimum of two (2) Comments are required per most assignments. Thoughtfully engage with others’ ideas or work in your comments.