Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Shaping Perceptions!!

The art of photography is fascinating and includes numerous aspects, and it has developed quite a bit since it first emerged. The art of utilizing a camera to record and preserve particular events, feelings, favorite moments, and experiences Photography has the ability to express a message, generate emotions and motivate viewers, whether it’s breathtaking surroundings, an unposed portrait, or an effective documentary image. Nowadays, almost everyone owns a camera, regardless of how expensive or affordable it is. But in today’s world, everyone has a smartphone with a camera. People used to need to go to a studio to take a picture and would have to wait months to get it. Now, everything is as simple as “click and upload”. Photography is now known as a trendsetter in the era of social media.

A new generation of social media influencers that create visually appealing posts has grown because of photography. These celebs have significant followings and frequently have a specialized specialty in a field like fashion, cuisine, or travel. Their expertly produced and visually appealing images influenced buyer attitudes, fashion, and ways of life. The terms “aesthetic, filter, and no filter” are frequently used on social media platforms. Language restrictions are irrelevant because photography is a universal language on social media. Cross-cultural respect and understanding can be promoted by the exchange of cultures, traditions, and experiences among people from various nations.

Susan Sontang states in the book “On the Photography”, “Photography has become one of the principal devices for experiencing something, for giving an appearance of participation.” (Susan 7), where the narrator explains how virtually everyone may access photos in the current digital era. The ease with which people are able to generate and purchase these “miniatures of reality” has changed how we record and share our lives, adding to the rich weave of visual storytelling that surrounds the modern world. This actually relates to a recent social media craze where photographs altered how we view our lives. A new and popular concept involves an artist painting a scene from a wedding ceremony or reception in real time. This implies that an artist is actively producing a piece of art that captures the spirit of the wedding as it takes place. Usually, the finished painting is given to the newlyweds as a treasured memory.

Live Wedding Picture

A sense of involvement in the community is created by the posting of photos on social media. To create a virtual connection to the lived experience, friends, family, and acquaintances can like, comment, and engage with the photographs. They enable people to share their memories with others and aid in helping people recall and reflect on important events in their life. The way we interpret and share our real experiences is greatly affected by the use of images, particularly live wedding paintings, on social media platforms. These pictures act as illustrations that emphasize certain details of things that happen, inspire strong feelings, and make experiences more powerful than mere physical presence. Nevertheless, it’s essential to understand that these depictions are frequently selective and edited, which shapes how we see the world.

The images posted on social media are essentially subjective interpretations of reality that have been influenced by the photographer’s decisions, modifications, and intent to express an idea. While these photographs provide a window into people’s lives and experiences, it is important to keep in mind that online content is sometimes chosen and romanticized when viewing it. By realizing this, people can use social media more thoughtfully and keep a more balanced perspective on their own lives as well as the lives of others.

1 Comment

  1. verag

    I’ve seen the live wedding paintings before! It’s so incredible to see the moment captured on canvas in such a short duration. Much like in photography, so many decisions have to be made when capturing a moment like this through a painting: what parts/objects to include, what to exclude, whether to make the colors appear more vibrant than they are or tweak the expression on the couples’ face. Reality thus becomes something for us to curate or change to fit our desired experience. Like you said, it’s important to realize that what we put out onto social media is often a romanticized aspect of our lives and we must remember that there is always a different side to the story than the one painted by a single image.

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