Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Blog Post 2

This heavy traffic represents the “hustle and bustle” of New York City. NYC is known for its loudness and especially for its congested traffic. This piece of choreography is but a fraction of what New York truly is.


  1. sophb149

    I like that you chose to focus on the traffic as movement, because you chose to focus on objects rather than people. I like that you also turned something many people see as an annoyance into art.

  2. dheyalasimrin

    It’s nice to find the beauty in the things that many people consider to be a burden. We often consider the traffic and congested nature of NYC to be our least favorite things about it, but those are two of the most significant contributors to the city’s unmatched energy.

  3. Xin

    I like how the cars were in coordination and followed one another in this traffic. Although, traffic surrounds our everyday life, we don’t usually notice how the cars would be so in-sync in moving forward when one starts moving, it’s not they want to keep up with the choreography.

    • stephaniepisarevskiy

      This video is so aesthetically pleasing and it embodies every tereotype that people have about NYC in the best way possible: the taxis, the beeping, the background shuffles, the clanking, everything fit together perfectly. The way you captired the cars moving also makes it seem almost like a jigsaw puzzle, which is an interesting thought.

  4. steven wang

    Very nice, where was this video taken? Also what was your camera settings for the video?

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