Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Blog Post #2: Dance In My Life

This is a video that I put together that describes movements that I see around me, from the motion that the flag sways in to a dance session with my crew. All of these are the “dances” that I encountered in a day in my life.


  1. sophb149

    Hi Xin! I really like the idea of the flag waving in the wind as an image of movement because I like that you didn’t only focus on the movement of people. What gave you the idea to do that?

  2. dheyalasimrin

    You’re such a talented dancer! I really loved how you didn’t only consider your literal dancing to be your whole dance. Your entire journey, from beginning to end, is a part of the art and makes the whole story.

  3. stephaniepisarevskiy

    The fact that you were able to find a certain rhythmic quality in the movments of ordinary and nonliving objects is very cool! And your own dance skills matching the same rhythm and musicality added another layer of significance that I appreciated as a viewer.

  4. verag

    I love the way you formatted your video! It’s like we’re getting to see a POV of your day through the choreography that you are immersed by. From people running from the rain to flags wavering in the wind, these little moments are the beautiful choreographies that we usually fail to notice on the daily so it’s lovely how you are able to pick up on them and truly be present in your surroundings.

  5. Yinglin

    I love the way you edited clips of your life that involve “dance” into a video. The music makes the video so upbeat and fun to watch. I can really see your passion for dance in this video too. You are such a talented dancer! Also, your cat is so cute!!!

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