Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Creative Project 1

Steven Wang


“We rarely capture the unsightly and unglamorous, often neglecting the raw, unfiltered realities that exist. A stark contrast to the picturesque scenes, like a beautiful sunset worth looking at fueled by the same allure many have towards Dutch painters. Acknowledging this coexistent duality in the world allows us to embrace a more authentic understanding. This gallery presents a counter narrative on the dismissed hidden aspects of our society. Inviting you to pause, reflect, and appreciate the facets of our world that are often overlooked and a critique of contemporary culture.”


  1. Xin

    I really liked this quote as most of the photos that I’ve seen on social media does not portray the “unglam” or the truth. Most of the pictures are aesthetically pleasing and edited with filters and photoshop. I liked how you put pictures that are part of our daily lives but don’t stop to think and look at the issues around us.

  2. cla521

    I really like how you showed a more realistic point of view through your project because most people tend to focus on the more beautiful parts of life rather than the harsh realities, forcing people to face and pay attention to the problems that surround us.

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