Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

The Meaning of Friendship (IDC Final Project)

What does friendship mean to you? To us, the meaning of friendship is connection, laughter, good memories, and a sisterhood that will last a lifetime. Our names are Ani Papazian, Sophie Blumenthal, and Gunjan Barua, and we met in our first semester at Baruch College. Although the relationships started out as friendly faces to see in class, we found a connection we would have never imagined. Our friendship is so strong that we see it lasting years into their future, maybe even being in each other’s bridal parties one day. Inspired by how we first met and our favorite memories together, our short film takes events, memories, and objects significant to our friendship and makes them relatable to every girl (and even boy!) friend group. We wanted to highlight the significance of friendship and how important it is in ours and everyone’s lives. Our short film aims to:

  • Help others recognize the importance of friendship and connection in their lives and remind them to not take their friends and loved ones for-granted
  • Recognize the important role that art plays in bringing people together
    • Music is an important connector in many relationships
      • Ex. bonding over a favorite song, singing karaoke together
    • The reason our friend group exists is because we all met in our IDC Class and took the trip to the Met together
    • In many female friendships fashion and beauty is a popular conversation starter
    • Recognizing a girl’s outfit is one of the main reason we became friends
  • Relate to the young female audience by recreating different scenes and events that girl friend groups can relate to
    • Meetings friends and complimenting others in the bathroom
    • Shopping together
    • Eating your favorite foods
    • Sharting your love of a favorite song
  • Teach others, especially male friend groups, about what it’s like to be a woman and in a friend group of girls.
    • It is a unique experience for women meeting friends and having conversations in the bathroom.
  • Make the audience laugh by sharing our first impressions of each other
    • We all thought the other girl was mean 
    • Internal monologues everyone experiences when meeting new people
  • Take the audience on the journey of our friendship, from meeting each other for the first time, to looking back on all our fun memories together and laughing at our inner monologue
  • Inspire others to reach out to their colleagues or peers
    • You never know where a deep friendship or connection might lie
    • Take a chance, don’t be shy! Reach out to those around you. Chances are they feel the same way.
  • Introduce the audience to our friend group and explain how it has become so significant to our lives
  • Recognize how grateful we are to have met each other and to have such good friends in our lives
  • Show how our friend group is unique but also how we are similar to other girls and to the stereotypical girl group
  • Highlights how sometimes our appearances can be different from a persons’ true personality
    • People are not always what they seem
    • You need to really talk to someone and get to know them before making any judgment

Songs Used (Credits):

Fantasize By Ariana Grande

7 Rings By Ariana Grande

Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I’m Bored by Ariana Grande

1 Comment

  1. Anna Deng

    I love your guys’ project. While we were watching it in class I couldn’t help but smile the whole time. There were many relatable moments such as girls complimenting each other’s lipstick in the bathroom! Apart from that the key thing you guys highlighted was how the first encounter is always scary. I’m always second guessing myself before I approach someone new and you guys highlighted that the best!

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