Professor Tenneriello's Seminar 1, Fall 2023

Category: Blog Posts (Page 3 of 6)

Penn Station Choreography

On my way back to Penn Station from Baruch, I decided to record this video of outside the station. This video shows the different functions that the surroundings of the station has, whether it is walking on the sidewalk heading towards their destination or waiting on the side of the road waiting for an uber. This video brings a feeling of sonder to the viewer after realizing that each individual has a life and story as complex as our own. Understanding this by watching choreography on the streets of NYC allow the mind to be more open to each conversation that you have with a stranger and learning something out of it.

Dance Blog Post

I see dance in New York City with the people who enter the train everyday, and how their movements start and stop together as the trains pull into their stations. In this video, as the 6 train arrives, travelers move together towards it and wait, but pick up again as the train doors open.

Blog Post 2

On a walk around Manhattan, I witnessed this street performer who was elegantly swinging a short metal pole that was attached to her hands with a string. There was no planned choreography to her dance, but it seemed like she was going with the wind which is a sentiment about New York City; sometimes you just have to live in the moment and explore the city with no restrictions. A specific aspect about New York City that’s so special, is the fact that I may never see the lady’s performance again which makes it even more important for me to take it all in the first time I see it.

I have hyperlinked the video here.

(The size of the video was too big and couldn’t upload)

Blog Post 2 – Jan Carlo Avendano

I recorded this video on my way home from Baruch. After getting off at 36th Street train station in Sunset Park, I decided to take a video of the express train I noticed pulling into the station. This choreography is that of the people of New York City and how they travel back and forth between locations through subways. There is a specific way to get on and off these trains, we always see people getting off first and others getting on afterward. They always head straight to the exits, sometimes looking around to find signs to indicate where it is. People’s behaviors are entirely expected and predictable, but this movement system is interesting to observe nonetheless.

Blog Post # 2

My video shows the nuanced movement of nature as it moves harmoniously with everyday pedestrians. Taken at Madison Square Park, I was able to admire everyday beauty within the overlooked properties of nature, especially those that enhance the contours of human movement.

Blog Post 2

This was taken at an intersection near my house which leads directly into the Prospect Expressway, a path many Brooklyn residents take to get to Manhattan and beyond. It’s always crowded, and this video was recorded right before rush hour. It serves to show that New Yorkers always have places to be, and they’ll get to them however they can- using the subway, driving, or even by biking.

Blog Post 2

This is the culture of waiting by the street for the light to change colors. In New York City, this is necessary so you don’t get hit by speeding cars in Manhattan. I recorded this because there are so many lights to wait by and by Baruch, there are huge groups of people also waiting, demonstrating the choreography of NYC since this is part of a daily routine and they all walk at the same time once the light changes.

Blog Post #2: Arrival at Penn

Every morning, commuters get on the train with the intention of getting to their destination. Some may get off before Penn Station, but most people’s destination is Penn. After a while sitting, silently paying attention to each of their own worlds, things suddenly begin to busy up once again. Everyone is trying to get off at the last station of the ride: Penn Station.

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