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1,000 Shitty Poems


by Victoria M

I am going to write 1,000 shitty poems
Just for you
Because I love you that much.
I will mention your eyes,
How they are grey like
Overcast clouds flecked with green.
And I will talk about your hair,
How the strands remind me of gold
(or, if I’m feeling earthy, fields of wheat and barley).
I’ll also say that your smile turns my insides to mush,
Fills my ears with the blasts of fireworks,
And forces the blood to me cheeks –
Oh I feel faint!

Let’s not forget the ones where I promise to slay dragons in your name,
Carve your effigy out of jade,
And catch all the stars in the sky for a chance to make you smile.
But, of course, my favorite poems
Will spin out my lusty fantasies,
Written in abstract bursts and vague, stumbling verses
So that no one can catch on to my naughty reveries.

Then I will be mortified at the thought of you ever reading my shitty poems,
Guffawing at numbers 1 to 100,
Chortling at 101 to 208,
Wheezing at 209 to 586,
And howling at 587 to 1,000.

But you’ll stop at poem 1,001,
Which I snuck in while you were laughing.
Breathless and with tears in your eyes,
You’ll read my 1001st poem
And you will see that I have learned to write everything I
Want to, need to, have to

Too bad this is only poem number 4.

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