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Thanks for the Salary

by Erin Ajello

“Love is not all; it is not meat nor drink.”
But it can be sold for both.
And baby, I made a killing off of you.
I sold every inch of that pretty pale skin I used to kiss
The freckles on your face were made famous
Those shards of ice in your eyes were bought along with your lies
Your fury funded my latest adventures with those far kinder than you
And oh yes, they know about you
They read the novel too
I learned how to explain my pain for my own gain
You were wrapped up in eloquent metaphors
Your personality sold, these pages whored
I took your worst and made it worthwhile
I took your best and described it in style
Sometimes I find out where you are now
I’m living in the city while you rot in our hometown
And baby, when you kissed me, you swore it would hurt
You said I’d never be who I was again
You said I could never forget you
Well congratulations, Miss Made First Page-
I haven’t.

-quote from Edna St. Vincent Millay

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