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The black Lullaby

by Ariana Campbell


My skin may be brown…but I am black


Black like the boy abusing [k2] crack

Black like the hearts that choked him dead

Black like the shot that turned him red

Black like the mother filled with sorrow,

for her beautiful son will see no tomorrow


Black like the clothes she wore that day

Black like the sky after its solemn grey

Black like the beard that raped her that night

Black like the gun she used to fight…

to fight the urge to also turn red

after seeing that color once more in a head


My skin may be brown…but I am part red


Red like the blood the police now shed

Red like Ken Bone’s trending sweater

for White America can do no better

than concern themselves with a single shirt

while the rest of us get treated like dirt


Because of this red, because of this black

I now know that I may never look back

Back to the days when I was white

white like you with no fear or no plight

My skin may be brown…but I was once white


I cannot get into detail, as I have lost this light

But this is the premise of my tale

I am one of the many locked in black jail

There is no key to free us from here

So listen very carefully my dear


We are the ashes and asses of Earth

The ones severely scorched from birth

As dark as our skin and hair may be

Fear not, for what you do not see

is the hate and anger within my eye

as I watch my greatest gift die



This is the lullaby to sing to your son

although his life is now well and done

For this is the only story you may tell

so long as you inhabit this earthy hell


…ashes, asses—we all fall down

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