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Sequence 16

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by Dora Gelerinter

Welcomed into a cocoon:

icy and feverish

surrounded by affection like fuzzy dragonflies

and Daddy’s wide eyes

and the yawns of cartoon monkeys.

Having crossed the bridge


already forever yearning

to step onto the summit de nuevo1

with fear the only fear

that mod-podges the edges of my lips together,

trying to keep out the draft.

Sitting silent, stoic, boring

wondering why cruelty is laughed off

thrown aside

thrown away.

That’s not funny.


“Yeah. I got a hundred.”

Hey, no one cares, but see

it’s gotten you this far, so be gracious

be temperate

be predictable

be the mediator

sit on the risers and let me lay my head

in your red and white gingham lap

add a dollop of blue and whisk together.

You deserve everything, sweetheart.

But who are you

to ask for more?

Sick of trying to explain the inexplicable.

I’ll tell you exactly what you’re feeling, quiet girl.

Your blueprint was scrawled on faded scrolls

and tattered Torahs

and burning flapping flags

Don’t let the building fall.

It’s been built on so much.


My gray flip phone vibrates

a congratulations

to my mountain-climbing husband John

The sender thinks I’m Meredith, but I was named

out of irony and ignorance

sweet, innocent ignorance that sparkles on the tongue

and tastes like cola candy.

The title of a young lady who pirouettes in her pastel pink bedroom and crochets

tiny little chains of rainbow stitches

surprisingly diverging

from the yellow-brick road.

There’s pride in profanity

when clarity and sanity

hang serenely in my wardrobe,

masquerading me a partial truth.

An outfit for my Mommy,

a get-up for my friend,

a big burgundy coat for my classmates

with dark faux fur embellishments

all zipped up to the tip of my nose.


Sit next to me on the number 2 train.

Tell me “Wow, I never knew that.”

Wink at me.

I want to understand that spark, fiery within

and concealing something human, totally human

removing ourselves from the monotony

of the same saccharine dialogues

destructive and well-wishing

tu libreto de siempre tan predecible.2

The fatigue has lulled

into a lazy soup floating up to the fluorescents

and I’m gliding along the plaster ceilings

and we’re all laughing and tearing up in a horseshoe

like some support group.

Students Anonymous,

Addicted to the rhythm of education

jolted from wet dreams by the factory bell.


Staring out a chilled and frosty window, glazed with thoughts

going somewhere

college or travel or language-learning or writing

flying airplanes and leaving behind

the Mickey Mouse stickers

the digital cameras that once consumed my parents’ fingertips

replaced by excuses like bandages

attempts to explain why I run alone

with the universe’s eyes omnipresent.

Change is stuffed into plastic bins from the dollar store

I trace the outline of a new creature in the mirror everyday.

Of course you never would’ve thought

I could be loud

I could be independent

I could smile so wide into the spotlight

that the sides of my mouth quivered,

leaping into leadership,

having reached an emotional threshold.

feel free to exploit my sensitivity

You never thought I would be the type?!

I’m not a damn type. I’m a person.

Go fuck yourself, you beautiful boy.

I’ll watch.


Melting into puddles of kindness

with chocolate sprinkles,

Trickling over iron drainage

Seeping into the soil like groundwater

and mixing with the iridescent rain

shiny with gasoline:

the worst way to leave.

Fearing the vacuum the most, the emptiness.

Never knowing where the bar was set.

Never knowing it could have been reached.

Never knowing it could have been cleared.

Unable to locate the keys to the cage

nested inside another like a Russian doll,

smiling with giggles,

tired of power.

Still I stand on the stage triumphant

because every few minutes

the routine ends once more

and I’ve added meaning to the movement.


1de nuevo: Spanish, “again”

2tu libreto de siempre tan predecible: Spanish, “your script that is always so predictable”

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