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by Jessica Kraker

Vehicular congestion, the kind that leaves me a

5 minute walk from home but a 20 minute

drive in

chaos and horns. That angry dude in the Beemer

who can’t drive but God forbid you cut

in front of him.

Or when Fresh Pond Road is too backed up that

we have to take


the Avenue behind my house where your

rims get stolen at night but where

I work in dad’s garage hiding from

mom in the afternoon eating hot dogs on the hood of the Mustang.

Johnny’s arm got broke by that drug deal down on Traffic and my

brother broke his own ass on his

board only a day before in traffic.

My sister playing catch down there

with the older guys, lost a baseball

to the train yard

Or that guy who told me to meet him on Traffic

I wish I threw him into traffic

Loud as hell bastard makes me avoid

the traffic

the movement of bodies

as I search for a green

light and an empty street

the kind only midnight brings to

me on Traffic Avenue.

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