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The Yellow Brick Road

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by Shyann Cooks

Sometimes I wonder

Would my life be easier if I could fill a jock strap?

If I could binge on booze and ballgames, while ignoring the girl I picked up from the bar last night, her ass falling out of my white sheets?

The subway as my platform – I could spread my legs wider than my ego

Grab myself in front of anyone – yielding universal prestige.

Yes, I’d imagine being a dude must be nice,

Especially when your dick is more powerful than a woman with a Ph.D,

Or an 8 year- old girl pleading for her life under those mutilated hands –

I guess you felt entitled, after all you are a man.


Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be white.

The stares on the subway sink in when I get off in Manhattan;

As if saying, “go back to the streets”

With hues of blue and green masking the hatred burning in their veins.

Might come in handy when walking into any bodega –

Or when sitting in an honors class and being mistaken as “lost”.

Whenever my frustration takes the form of words – I should go back to jail (as if I’d ever been) –

While Becky “just needs a caramel frap” from Starbucks.

It must feel exhilarating to know when your ancestors met the Queen;

I don’t even know what fucking planation mine were on.


Sometimes, I lie in bed after sex wondering

Why is this so wrong?

Why can’t I be “normal” like they want me to be?

Is my haircut really misleading or do people associate hair with gender and sexuality?

Am I bound to hell? I – don’t – know.

But I do know it’s hard being gay.

One man threatened to kill, another to “fuck me up” and “teach me a lesson”

And countless expressions of men having their way –

One to the point of following me to my college orientation

From bus to campus, mouth creating the same sounds “but I like you”.

So even if I fully dub the shit out of a man, he can follow me anytime and no one would stop him.

He could follow my partner too because lesbians can’t fuck – they need men.


The ideals of societies far and wide – still put me in the gutter in terms of respect and survival.

Even with a degree, a black, homo, woman is the only thing they see.

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