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Puzzle Pieces

  • Uncategorized

We are like pieces of a puzzle
In a box labeled proximity and chance
Dump them out on the table
And at first glance they seem to be from the same picture

Hundreds of little images
That blend and blur as you take them in
Surely they were meant to be together
You concur as you imagine how beautiful they will look when you win

These blurs are of a similar palette
So their future together must be destined
But after several hooks and curves connect
You’ve questioned whether or not they’re meant to be

You push on with the game
But you think you’re starting to get it
While some quirks fit together here and there
You know in the end you’ll grow to regret it

Thus we are like pieces of a puzzle
In a box labeled proximity and chance
Challenging fun to piece together at first
But at last glance they do not seem to be from the same picture
They are not meant to be together

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