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In the Midst of All This

  • Uncategorized

You know what I want to do?
I want to take a trip.
Somewhere far,
Away from the chaos of the city,
The stress and pressure of society.

Somewhere where the grass is green
And The trees have overlooked the land
For centuries,
Silently watching all,
Holding secrets.

Somewhere where the sun shines,
Spreading an unmatchable warmth across your face,
As if it were the universe’s artist
And you, a beautiful canvas.

A place where you are surrounded
Only by the sounds of nature,
Untouched by human hands,
Where the air is truly clean.

I want to take a road trip
Across a long stretch of road
With no other cars in sight,
Just taking in the landscape.

Perhaps a thin, winding dirt road
With tall luscious green pine trees
Looming over as you pass underneath,
Creating a calm and quiet atmosphere
As they absorb the sounds around you.

Perhaps a trickling creek runs parallel
And keeps you company
As you make your way
To a destination unknown.

Take me somewhere you can actually
Hear the birds chirp, the bees buzz,
The crickets sing, little critters scuttle around,
The wind rustling the leaves of age-old trees.

An escape from our little, trapped bubble,
Surrounded by many, yet feeling alone.
Where the sounds of cars honking and
Yelling and frustration are overwhelming.

A trip to a natural landscape,
Surrounded by peace and serenity,
That’s probably a good place to
Relax and think. Think about the world.

Realize that there is more to the world than
What you know and where you’ve been.
There are lands that you nor I have ever heard of,
Wouldn’t it be nice to visit?

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