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Leap of Faith

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The dimming glow of the sun closes out the day, and another chapter in life.

The deep waters of adventure call your name,

Waves of new and exciting memories entice you.

The darkness pushes you to take action before it catches up,

Do you jump into the depths of the cool blue water or wade in the shallow of your fears?


Dangling off the edge, 

Feet grazing the dark surface, 

Toes tasting the salt of the waters below. 

Staring into your disfigured reflection, 

Wondering if you’re good enough to dive in.

If the figure you’re staring into is a misconception,

Teasing you like a hook on a rod teases a fish, 

That you’ll be reeled into a life of setbacks without accomplishing anything.

If your fear of failure swallows you whole, leaving no air for your success. 

If the road you choose to go down leads you to misery rather than delight.

If you’ll feel a sense of drowning from the overwhelmingness of new surroundings.


You can’t see what lies at the bottom of the ocean,

Whether it’s a menacing shark or a friendly dolphin that awaits you,

But the cool atmosphere from the fading sunlight makes you shiver with adrenaline, 

So you hold your breath

And close your eyes.

But—do you jump?

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